FAQ - Tickets

There are no tickets available at the moment.


Third party tickets? We only work together with Ticketswap. If you wan't to buy tickets from a third party or want to sell your tickets, you can do that on www.ticketswap.nl.

Messages on our social media accounts with offered tickets that are not resold through Ticketswap will be removed.
We DO NOT work with party's as tickettack, etc. If you buy or sell a ticket somewhere else than our own ticketshop or Ticketswap we can't help you with any questions or problems.

I lost my ticket

Lost your ticket?
Please go to this website and ask them to send your tickets again by filling in your e-mail address and the AT-code.
You can find your AT-code on the payment details of your bankaccount.

If you have any questions about your tickets, please send an email to hallo@ihavegotaticket.com